Below are some things that should help you understand how some of these plugins and other tings on the site work.
LinksOn the top right of the page is a box of links that act like a quick access navigation for the site. The Roll Topic is linked for RNG type things for character creation, bounties, or some special event goodies that will be used on the site.
The Information link will take you to the forum containing the site's main mechanics so that you can reread information if you feel like brushing up on something. The most important topics in that forum are
Forbidden Magics, Site Function Tutorials, Affinity, and Spell, Patent, and Training guidelines, but it doesn't hurt to glance over the rest of them.
The Lore link takes you to a few topics that are strictly related to the world's history and other things that affect the basic functions of Tir. Users can contribute to the Beastiary and Point of Interest topics for further world building.
The Applications Board link will take you to the category containing all forums associated with character creation, spell creation, and bounty creation.
Bookmarks is a special thing that applies per account. You have the option to follow topics via "Bookmarking" them in a dropdown menu at the top of the topic page (Labeled "
Actions"). From here you may get a notification when someone posts in the topic and/or track topics important for you and your characters.
Recent posts links you to a section of the site as a whole that will list all recently made posts with the newest ones first so you can see who posted where and if there's an open topic to join.
Mini-profilesOn the bottom right of the page, there is a mini-bar that is for proboard accounts. A small icon with two people swapping about allows people to make more than one account and swap between them or view the site as a guest. If you choose to make multiple accounts for characters, feel free to use this as an option - it is not mandatory.
DiceIt's a very simple model, involving a given code labeled for a specific thing.
Character Post DecorationsThis UI can be found below a text box when you click on the "Reply" button in any given topic. It cannot be accessed through quick reply (unfortunately).
The box under the "no image" thumbnail is where a BBCODE template can be placed. The buttons below it can also be used to save and customize the thumb for identifiability. From left to right, the icons are:
-Preview image (will replace No Preview with an image to help you identify what the template is.)
-Save, so you may save the template. Note: This is on a per device basis and will not transfer over, so please save it on all the devices you may be using when accessing the site.
-Insert Template. This will automatically insert the code into the text box for posting wherever you are at.
-Delete, to clear the template if you are no longer using it.
Monetary systemSome of Tir's reward system involves an active gain or loss of currency. As of right now, the monetary system creator is revising the code and this is an older plugin no longer available. Likewise, a shop system that works with this plugin is also unavailable which means shopping for items outside of in character settings is currently unavailable.
That aside, the users are all rewarded on a posting basis, accumulating a small amount of gold per post. Bounties will grant more amounts of gold when successfully completed or can be given as a reward by other means.
The UI can be found on the bottom left of the screen with two tiny icons that
I cannot edit to make larger or link to make more obvious will serve as a bank to store gold and a donations tab where you will receive rewarded gold.
When a shop system is in play, there will be a chance to automatically spend gold without having to donate to a staff member acting the transaction.The icon on the left will lead to your bank, which is also linked on the navbar on the top of the page. The icon on he right is donations. Whenever you see a message in a topic you are in that is mentioning a gold reward given, please check and accept the donation.
For single user accounts, where an account is playing multiple characters, please keep track of the gold per character and try not to use more gold than the character has that would overlap and mess with another.
Word CounterTraining spells or upping your affinity in your elements require a specific minimum word count. This plugin serves as a way to help keep track as to how many words you have. Please keep in mind that if you are using a post template to put it in
after you've made the entire post because the plugin will attempt to detect links and codes as words.